Today I also got my Young Womanhood Recognition award along with this lovely necklace to show all of my hard work and service hours. For those of you who aren't LDS this is basically a young woman's Eagle Scout Project. This is me and my lovely temple pendant!
After church this afternoon (: |
I have also come to realize today that I have a deep appreciation and love for Michael Jackson and his brilliant music. After listening to "The Way You Make Me Feel" (as well as Smooth Criminal and Earth Song) on the way home from church and jammin' out to the song in the car with my family I can't help but feel happier! He was truly a gifted and talented musician, as well as performer (however, possibly lacking in other aspects of his life.)
I have officially set up my own personal Christmas tree in my room, how cute do you think that is? I know we're not even passed Thanksgiving yet but I just couldn't wait any longer!
Also going along with the Christmas theme.. and the title of this post, today I had bell choir and bell quartet rehearsal to prepare for Christmas-time. That has been a lot of fun for me! However, it really hurts to hold up bells for a long period of time, but I'm getting used to it! Can't wait to record us playing so I can put it up for everyone to see.
With Love,
Alina Lauren..
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