Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Easy, Let It Go

The title of this post is directly linked to the song Adia by Sarah Mclachlan.. I found myself listening to that song today and wondering if she was saying that we are born "in a sin" (you know, like the Catholics believe, or something) or we are born "innocent." Don't worry! Everyone can calm down because I checked and it's definitely "innocent," she just doesn't pronounce her Ts very well.

Along with this adventure I came home to my aunt's dog freakin out because he was so excited I was home.. but when I got out my phone to take a picture of him he got really shy..

Everyone meet my boyfriend. Tubs aka BooBoo.
After the initial excitement of returning home from 5 and a half hours of dance I realized that the house smelled delicious!  My parents and brothers had cooked dinner together! Homemade pizza. YUM!

 And to top this wonderful day off I found out that my cousin asked for me for Christmas! That is not meant in an awkward way! He asked his parents if they could arrange for me to come visit during the holidays so we could hang out! I haven't seen my cousin in about a year now and I miss him SOO much!

I also became relatively depressed when I realized I can't talk about my love life openly here on my blog! The information is way too open to the public and thus way to available to any boys I'm crushing on.. but I'll try to include cute little moments here and there for some entertainment.  None for today though! Too much work to do and too much dance concentration.. or just enough of each.

Until tomorrow,
Alina Lauren..

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