Sunday, November 27, 2011

Catching Up!

I deeply, deeply apologize for the inconvenience in my lengthy absence! School gets crazy, schedules get out of control, and their have to be priorities. Unfortunately going to the movies to see "The Muppets" was one of the higher priorities.

However I will write a few posts to catch up. This post will be all of the posts covering the rest of the week following my last post.

1. My dad and I were driving to the high school to pick up my and after we picked him up and were driving away my exclaimed "There's nothing hot like a girl sucking a butt." To make this worse, I didn't see the girl that was smoking her cigarette near us so I got a completely different picture in my head and it took me a while to figure out what exactly he said. My brother was already crackin' up.

2. With my new iPod Touch I decided to purchase my favorite game EVER. Cake Mania.. yes nerdy, I know. My brother started arguing with me saying that Angry Birds was definitely better; however, I've never played Angry Birds before so I couldn't REALLY argue. So we were at it for a bit and when I thought he'd finally given up he states, "I'm sorry Alina, but Angry Birds takes the cake."
Yeah yeah.. funny pun.  It kinda made my day though!

3. This week I also invested in a fruit that I haven't tasted in the longest time. Pomegranates. Sweet, juicy, delicious pomegranates. (Picture can be seen below.) I bought 3 of them and I couldn't stop eating them!

Yummy, yummy seeds.
That was a relatively short overview of last weeks highlights!

Alina Lauren..

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