This was taken last November.
I was lying on a bench under a tree, daydreaming. |
So I've officially decided to keep up on my blog daily.. I'll make it happen as best I can.
And what better day to start then on 11/11/11 at 11:11 pm!
Should bring me good luck huh? Not that I believe in all that crap but at least I'll be able to say I did it.
"Daily posts about what?" you may be asking. Honestly.. nothing. Just random things that I've heard and seen throughout the day that deserves to be talked about. I also want to include some of my specific life goals and ambitions and dreams and how everything is going with that.
For example, today my family and I were sitting at the dinner table and my mom brought up that she was listening to the radio today and people were arguing whether a man who sodomizes with 8 boys is mentally ill or not.. she was very angry. And after letting out her anger my brother proceeded to ask what sodomizing was. That made for an interesting discussion.. after which we blessed our food and ate. Of course I had to say the prayer and I was still in shock by the details........
After that my brother brought up the quote (I'm butchering this horribly) "there is no love more sincere than the love of food." I argued the point because I said I loved my mom more than I loved even my favorite food! (Which just so happens to be mangoes.) I brought up the idea that if a man had a gun to my mother's head and told me he'd kill my mother if I ate the mango next to me I would hand him the mango and tell him I wanted my mom back.
My brother said that is irrelevant because under no circumstances would a man hold my mother and a mango hostage. You never know.. There are so many possibilities in this world. I mean, ever seen Criminal Minds?! They do some weird stuff in that show!
Anyways! Along with these two interesting conversations I also danced all morning.. practicing for my studio's Christmas Show. We're doing a number to Christmas Shoes by Alabama and there's this little part where a little boy sings and I find it so cute!! Apparently it creeps everyone out though.. And THEN my knee started bleeding like crazy because we do a bunch of stuff on our knees throughout the whole dance.. it was gross.
My dad also made homemade hash-browns for dinner which was a wonderful surprise! Being poor definitely has its up-sides, don't you think?
Those are all of my highlights for today!
Alina Lauren..
P.S. I literally sat for 28 minutes doing my laundry before I posted this at 11:11 on 11/11/11.. I'm a nerd.