Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life's Improvements

Change is a funny thing. Some things in life are influenced by change and some change influences things in your life. Recently moving has been a change influencing my life.

I now room and board with my brothers, Izaak and Marcus Cooper, and my cousin, Brayden Schaffer. Our "bedroom" is directly connected to the kitchen.. and I mean directly. I now know that I either have to become a deeper sleeper or wake up early enough to not be disturbed in the morning. This is the beginning of my Change Process.

I am beginning to wake up earlier in the morning and go "running" with Izaak, my brother. Although he can outrun me easily he always makes a point to stop and wait for me after about a block. Now, I'm plenty aware I don't run fast. I don't need to be reminded, but I believe this is a good habit to get into.

I can also really be a pig by nature. I LOVE food! I will eat until I'm completely bloated unless told not to. Living in a new home I've learned to eat a little less food and manage without stuffing myself (also a very good habit since dance, my usual form of exercise, is over for the summer.)

Given my current situation, I feel I have a lot more time throughout the day. I've set myself a few goals and created a checklist for myself, once I finish a certain task I move on to the next and also add to the list anything I find useful. For example, reading "The Total Money Makeover," creating a certain amount of friendship bracelets, and reading the Book of Mormon. I will keep an update for anyone interested.

As many know, I love to dance and choreograph. I have had many experiences teaching choreography and later been told I taught something that I'm very sure I didn't. I am now getting into the habit of keeping a binder filled with choreography ideas and possible songs to use. With so much time on my hands, why not? I have also continued playing the harp and piano. I got a guitar for Christmas this last December. I am very sorry to say I haven't even picked up the poor thing. Also another goal on my list now along with learning to play the organ, which shouldn't be too difficult.

This change has brought on an opportunity for me to realize where I am lacking and accomplish things to improve my situation. Yes, its hard at times but I'm starting to believe the outcome will be completely worth it. Thank you to all who are reading my blog. Until next time.

Alina Lauren Cooper

1 comment:

Christina Wytko said...

its christina!! :)
i miss youuuuu! i'm glad that you write here because it keeps me updated! i hope you continue to write :) you're such a smart girl its not even funny! i hope we can stay in better touch as the years go on. i love youuu and will probably be writing you a letter soon! :)