I have decided to place a special priority on my dance, harp, piano, and writing abilities. I have recognized my strengths and passions and decided on what I hope to be my future.
Recently I have been made aware of our family moving. We will be remaining in Vegas and living with my grandparents for the time being. I am both excited and reluctant to take that step forward to change. Just when life seemed to be deciding its fate for at least the next year, God stepped in and gave me a new challenge. I will of course accept it, with possibly a tear or two, but nevertheless take on the challenge and show I have no fear for the possibilities and distant opportunities to be brought about.
Often, through difficult times, I cut my hair. This may seem somewhat odd but it is true. It isn't necessarily an unconscience action because I'm well aware that I am doing it, but it has become an interesting habit. The first time was at the closing of the Academy of Ballet; the second, the weekend after my first date; and now the third, moving into a new home. (A picture will be included at the end of this post.)
I have realized an important part of life is my religion. Apologies to non-religious people reading my blog. Through hard times and trials I find myself praying more often, reading my scriptures, and acting on service. Not that I don't usually enjoy these daily activities.. (insert a small grin and possible chuckle) ..but I have been more experiencing stronger desires to participate in these personal events.
I'd like to thank my family and friends for sticking close to me and helping me through challenging times. I'd like to thank the open ears and careful advice given to me when I needed it most. I would also like to apologize for any advice I turned away, not seeing its importance and obvious truth.
Until my next post.. Love to all. Please let me know you are following my blog so that I will have more incentive to write. Thank You.
Alina Lauren Cooper
(The Picture as promised!)

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