Monday, June 25, 2012

Moral of yesterday's story.

Sometimes giving up is the best option.


I wanted to post this yesterday but I held my tongue because I hate having a depressing attitude.  Until I woke up this morning I never realized how silly I would have been.  Who gives up? People who don't want something badly enough.  So I guess the question is, how badly do I want this or anything?  Bad enough to fight for it or just enough to let it fall into my hands and otherwise let it disappear.

No, I want to fight for it, I just don't know how to go about it.  Well I really can't control anything but me so maybe I should start with finding ways to reach my want without hoping it will find ways to reach me.  Persistence is key.  I can do this.

I recently picked up a book and a lovely little book shop called "The Secret" which has completely inspired me.  Maybe the ideas are not necessarily perfect but it makes life 100 times easier.  I encourage everyone to find and read this book.

Until something a tad more exciting happens in my life I'm afraid my posts might be slightly mundane..

Please bear with me!

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