Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flash of Peace

There seem to be glimmers of hope everywhere, don't you think?  Everything and everyone in the world might be telling you no, but there is a moment, an instant, where everything is okay.  There's like a flash of unexpected peace.

Yes, it does seem quite contradictory to explain peace as a flash.  However I can find no other way to describe it.  Maybe things will work out.  They should work out just fine I believe.

Being a senior in high school meant nothing to me, I knew one girl at my high school really well by the end and other than that.. I knew no one and thus high school really was a joke and I couldn't wait to leave.

Upon finishing my solo performance at my last show last night two of the younger girls in my studio ran onto the stage to give me a hug.  I had already shed a tear or two before stepping foot onto the stage but I thought I'd get through it just fine.  No. No. No. Not after that.  I was immediately a mess, which is okay.

These girls were so worried they wouldn't see me again, but I promised I'd be sticking around and visiting often.  Still was hard.  But that moment gave me hope, I didn't have much hope before that.  I felt that it really was the end: the closing.  For me it was over.  I don't think its over, I think it has just begun.

In many ways my life has so many possibilities and opportunities at this point I just feel overwhelmed.  I mean, will I make the right decisions? Will I say the right things? be in the right place at the right time?  I could totally mess everything up for me!  But that hope keeps telling me it'll be okay.

And it will be.

Me in my stage makeup after the show (:

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