Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Journalism Difficulty

My mind has proved to have difficulty understanding the importance of "keeping up" in my journalism obligations. I have now failed to give a single post for over a year and I am unbelievably disappointed in myself. Although.. I suppose with this beginning of a new school year, I should be able to try some new things and push myself in different ways.

Hard to believe I'm 16 going on 17.. (Bring to mind Sound of Music?) Within another year and a half I'll be 18 and thinking about college. (Hopefully I'm thinking about that now :P) I'm now a junior in high school and dancing, playing the harp and piano, and attempting to learn the guitar.. soon.

My parents are amazing and I don't know what I'd do without them. My brother, Izaak, is an awesome soccer player and Marcus is joining him in rugby. They both also keep up with their video gaming skills VERY well (;

I've learned throughout the past year that change is good. Whether we welcome the change or not, God has reason for each experience and we'll either learn from our mistakes or benefit from our blessings. I'm grateful for my trials because I know they have only made me a stronger person.

I'm also very thankful for the friendships I've gained this year. Some of the most important including Emily Srok, Melissa Rubel, and Dylan Cross. Making it through this year without them would have been unbearably difficult. I'm also thankful for the great relationship I've formed with my mother. We are now closer than ever. I've also grown very close to my dad and my brothers and I know that will only be a blessing to me in the future.

I believe I should also challenge myself to make writing on my blog a habit. At least once a week shall we say? Possibly update my family's blog also, to keep everyone up to date (: .. the work shall be carried out.

Until next time!

Alina Lauren Cooper

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