Thursday, July 24, 2014

Let's Consider... Hobby Lobby


Let us please consider.. what is a business?
Seriously?  What is the purpose of a business in America?

From my understanding a business is an idea.  A person comes up with an idea and implements it.  This can be a business for services or products, doesn't matter.  Anything.

This business is created to offer a product or service to the public.  As the business grows they must employ people.  Human beings. Right?


Now, the owner of the business will set a pay scale.  They decide the salary. Whether there is a minimum wage or not, it doesn't matter.  "Why?" you may ask.  Well, if they are paying far below what society itself has defined as appropriate then, simply put, nobody in their right mind would work for them and thus they would go out of business.

Bad policies, product, salary, or service = Bad business owner = Bankrupt business.

So everyone working in America makes a salary right?  I want to make this a clear point.

Everyone makes a salary.

If you are a better employee, if you are important to a company, your pay scale increases because they would rather have you as an asset than give you up to their competition.

Now historically what would a salary pay for?  Anything you could possibly want, that you could afford.  Shelter, food, toiletries, childcare, etc. ... even health insurance!  Back when people were responsible for themselves, right?


Okay now historically select businesses offered Health Insurance without the request from government.  Why?  
1. It is tax deductible to the business.
2. Employees get the benefit 100% tax free
This is a plus for the employer AND the employee.

As a human being seeking employment, one can use their knowledge and understanding of what each company is offering and choose to work for a company that offers Health Insurance, but that is the employees decision and it doesn't take away the employers agency.


Okay.  Why should a human being lose their agency and ability to choose because they implement an idea that:
1. offers the opportunity for employees to make money
2. provides society with a product or service?
This I REALLY don't understand.

Let's say I'm planning a wedding.  I plan on having a chocolate fountain.  A certain person attending my wedding believes that chocolate is evil and that I shouldn't offer it to my guests.  I should not be required to find an alternative to my chocolate fountain because my beliefs clash with a guest's beliefs.  That guest can choose not to attend, or choose to attend but realize that there will be a chocolate fountain there.  It is my wedding.

The same goes for a company.  Hobby Lobby decides not to offer 4 types of birth control because they clash with their religious beliefs.  A certain person applying for a job does not agree with their decision to implement their religious beliefs and insists that they, and every other employee should be offered those benefits.  The owners of the company should not be required to give them special treatment because their beliefs clash.  The possible employee can choose not to work there, or work there and realize that they will not receive those kinds of benefits.  It is the owner's business.

What Happens in a Company, Stays in the Company
Believe it or not

We've all heard "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas," right?  It's true for companies as well.

This concerned citizen, along with a few others, brought up an potential problem.

I'm sorry ma'am, you are ill-informed.  

Hobby Lobby does not have the right to ban their employees from using birth control.  They just don't have to pay for it.

An Orthodox Jew does not have the right to ban their employees from electricity.  They just don't have to pay your electric bill.

What Happens in your Private Life is not your Boss's Business, Nor Their Responsibility 

Guess what?  What happens in your bedroom, stays between you and whoever is in there with you. Which is hopefully not your boss, but if it is, then yes he should take some responsibility.


This is a trending hashtag people.  Seriously?  Not my boss's business, but he must pay for it.  The logic!

So.. Let me get this straight.. You don't want Boss to have any business in your birthing choices; however, they have to pay for whatever your decisions are...?!

Their beliefs aren't dictating anything. Women still have choices, but bosses aren't responsible.

I guess I'm too simple-minded to understand.

See in middle school/high school everyone takes a sex-ed class. If a woman chooses to have sexual relations with someone there is ALWAYS a chance of pregnancy.  Now THAT is science.  You can pay for contraceptives if you don't want to be pregnant (you still have access to it) but ultimately that is your responsibility.  (Otherwise, abstinence is definitely a good choice.  It works 100% of the time!)


Oh my goodness. Last 8 words. Full Adult Human Responsible For Her Own Choices.


: the state of being the person who caused something to happen
  • Ummm.. you have sex, you get pregnant (boss not involved.. hopefully)

: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do
  • You are expected to be responsible of your sexual endeavors (your boss did not participate, your boss is not responsible)


When did women decide that they are entitled to everything under the sun because they are women? It is called accountability.  It is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.  

It is no surprise that women become pregnant after being intimate.  It is not a boss's job to care for a child if a woman decides to give birth and likewise a boss should not be expected to cover any of your contraceptives.  It is not a "right." Giving birth is natural, if you choose to interfere with that process that is your decision, not your boss's responsibility. 

He's not your "sugar daddy." You don't get extra benefits just for being his employee.  You work, you receive a salary.  Your salary can go to whatever you want, but that is not his business because his company is his business (literally). That is not his responsibility.

Get over your false sense of entitlement, please.