Monday, April 1, 2013


So I've been trying out this new "Do-It-Yourself" website for coding and I love it! Absolutely love it! In fact I love it so much I've been playing around with the HTML involved in this post. I can make my words...
change the color
or change the size and font.

This is SO cool!

Honestly I'm really learning to appreciate the hard work it takes to make a computer's programs work.  I'm hoping that at some point I will really be able to understand all the behind the scenes computer stuff.

Its odd.  I am SO dedicated to the arts because of the emotions and feelings involved.  I love more abstract stuff.  That's "my thing."  But I'm really finding this logical stuff fascinating.  I mean, its fun to have something that you have to think deeply about in a more "number-crunching" analysis type way.

Try it.

Alina Lauren!

1 comment:

The Beauty and The Braid! said...

This is going to be super helpful for my own blog! Thanks Alina! Ps. It's Andrea haha :)